
on Apr 02, 2019
by Simone

IOTHINGS Congress - Presenting IoTeX in Milan

IoTeXLab will present IoTeX at IOTHINGS Milan : the speech will focus on Roll-DPoS, Subchains and Privacy features. IOTHINGS, has become the leader IoT event in Italy, taking place twice a year: in Milan and Rome. IOTHINGS Milan will take place at MIND, Milano Innovation District, the area that hosted Expo 2015, and which is now being transformed in an excellent scientific and technologic district. IOTHINGS Milan 2018, which took place on April 10th and 11th has been a success with more than 2200 participants, 123 sponsoring companies, exhibitors and partners. An international and heterogeneous audience attended 17 conference sessions with more than 196 speakers discussing about the more innovative IoT solutions and products. During IOTHINGS Milan 2019 ITALIA 5G, AI+BOTS World, BLOCKCHAIN NOW and IOMOBILITY will take place at the same location. The events create an exclusive updating point on the most “disruptive” technologies in order to promote the development of the IoT ecosystem.
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