As Bitcoin breaks all-time highs, we are excited to bring back community favorites: $BTC drops and $IOTX directly added to your buckets — stake IOTX, earn IOTX + ioBTC + ioETH + more with Burn-Drop!
In Burn-Drop Phase 2, 90 Million IOTX will be burned and $80,000 worth of ioBTC + IOTX will be dropped to eligible stakers, as we reach our goal of 2,000 new devices.
We are kicking things off Dec 22 with ioBTC drops, followed by IOTX drops that will be automatically triggered by our Burn-Drop DAO for every new IoTeX- registered device.
➡️ Full Details on Burn-Drop: https://medium.com/@iotex/iotex-tokenomics-burn-drop-to-bootstrap-1-million-iotex-devices-66a43a1a68d7
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